
Discover all the outings in the vicinity of the Guest houses
Things to do in Morbihan

Activities in the heart of Morbihan

Discover the pleasures of beach and the intimacy of hollow roads, the happiness of table and the enjoyments of activities of height-air. Surfing, grilled fish, nap in the shade of a dolmen, walks in the moor, the sunset on the ria… Carnac, his beaches and his megaliths; Quiberon and the wild coast; beautiful Island at sea with its magnificent landscapes; Auray, his typical port at the old houses; Gulf of Morbihan…
The Ria of Etel offers you the beauty of its landscapes, where earth and sea become entangled, the luminosity of its sky and the sweetness of its climate, without forgetting the numerous birds which you can observe. The municipality of Locoal-Mendon, at the same time rural and maritime, is allowed discover with its peninsulas, chapels, fountains…

Cross cycle touring > 7km

Beaches : Etel / Erdeven > 10 km

Horse trekking > 2 km

Restaurants > 2 km

Canoë Kayak > 6km

Walk / Hike > 5 km

Golf > 6 km